
Mum, Dad, Benny, Breaghah and I walked along the shore at Hilton of Delnies. Brea found two tennis balls washed up by the tide and chased them relentlessly. Benny was happy following his nose amongst the sand dunes. The humans found large seashells, mushrooms and many dead crabs. I've never seen so many large seashells on one beach.

Dad and Mum said they came to the beach a couple of times to swim when in their late teens/early twenties. Dad's first engagement ring is lying on the bottom of the sea somewhere here. There's gold on that there shore. They remember fishing nets being hung from posts like this one.

The low cloud over the Black Isle was stunning - you can see it behind the post on the horizon. I couldn't do it justice with a photo of just the Black Isle in cloud.

Rory, Mum and I headed into town to pass some time in the afternoon. Inverness has so many charity shops, and many decent books in them. I'm not really supposed to buy books since I have so many in the house that are unread. Oh well.

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