
By GracieG

Mono Monday - Fantasy

As darkness fell, the trees, which earlier, had seemed benign, now began to take on a more sinister appearance. The strange cloud formations, which had felt like a heavy weight above her head for days now, seemed to bear down on her more than ever, making her head throb painfully.  The well-trodden path that she had been following had begun to peter out some way back, but with no obvious, alternative route she had kept walking but was now seriously doubting this course of action and panic was beginning to rise within her.  In the fading light she saw a figure emerge from behind one of the trees ahead of her, she quickened her pace, hoping for some help on how to find her way out.  But however fast she walked, she couldn’t seem to get any closer. She had stumbled into an area of scrub. The ground was uneven and brambles were plucking at her clothes, thistles were scratching her ankles, and, blind to these discomforts, she increased her pace, stumbling along in pursuit of her saviour.
The following morning dawned fresh and clear. With a blue sky and bright sunshine greeting the day. Finally, the threatening clouds of the past few days had vanished, as if they had never existed and the many birds were singing loudly.  The Ranger was on his rounds inspecting the estate’s livestock when he spotted something unusual amongst the bramble bushes.  Hanging from one of the branches was a women’s red coat, suspended by the loop in the collar, as if left there deliberately.  He climbed out of his Land Rover and walked towards the brambles to investigate… 
Thanks to Skeena for hosting today’s Mono Monday Challenge - Fantasy

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