
By wonderlust


Today when I looked at the thick dripped icicles on the inside of my screendoor and overheard more peanut butter product recalls, I was reminded of experiment of mine a year or so ago:

We go through a lot of peanut butter in my household - we each eat at least one serving of it a day - so we generally buy the big jars of it. Every time we get the bottom of the jar I always end up with a hand covered in peanut butter as I try to get the stuff on the bottom.

I proposed this question to my husband: Do you think if I turned the jar upside down the peanut butter at the bottom would fall down to top like other jars and bottles. If so, how do you think it would take to happen. He said won't happen. I decided I needed to experiment despite his answer. I turned the jar over and stored it.

The next day - no change. A week - still no change. Another week later - NO CHANGE.

Result: Peanut butter is not a normal condiment.

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