Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Ramses Train Station

My journey from our house in Bcn to Cairo via Rome took 12 hours, leaving at 3am and landing in Cairo at 4pm (one hour ahead here). The flight from Bcn to Rome was 1hr 45 and easy peasy. The journey in by car from Cairo airport in heavy traffic to the flat here was 2hrs 45'! All I wanted was a cup of tea, unpack the basics, eat something and sleep. Sadly, not to be. Our bedroom here, which we vacated on 5th November was really dirty and dusty. I mean thick Cairo dust dusty - you could write your name on the furniture and the floors were worse. I don't think the cleaner has been cleaning it as it's been empty. Of course no-one thought to tell him I was arriving back today or check it was clean. Soooo, with just 4 hours sleep under my belt I did the minimum to be at least able to hang up clothes and make up the bed....I polished the surfaces, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned inside the wardrobe and then made up the bed. I couldn't even think about the floors as it will take hours. Then I went over to the phone shop to get a local sim for my iPad to get wifi access when out and about and a new sim for my Egyptian phone...but i'd taken my UK mb with me instead! Now1.15am and am getting into bed. I can't unpack all the usual things around the room until the floors are done. We have a full cupboard here of such things. The cleaner comes tomorrow and I'm going to come back from school when he's here to make sure things get done! Oh, and there's a bag of our laundry missing. Thankfully, not the bedding. Welcome to Cairo. Missing Barrioboy of course.

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