Horizon scanning

There is so much jargon used in business these days that sometimes I run out of patience. We steward time rather than be punctual. We own mistakes instead of recognising we did something wrong. We run ideas up imaginery flagpoles, and we love it when the rubber hits the road. My most recent encounter was understanding that when we punch a puppy, we are not reported for animal cruelty but we are, rather, doing something detestable but good for the business!
So when I was told, for the nth time, that I needed to "scan my horizon" before planning my next big decision, I screamed. I understand exactly what it means, but what was wrong with "looking ahead" or "consider all the facts", as terms?
I am not a Philistine, by any means, but it is sometimes we need to say what we mean, clearly, concisely and openly. So, in order we are all singing from the same hymnsheet and this issue is now on your radar, let me try some blue sky thinking and suggest , that at the end of the day, we have a sand pit where we can throw up some ideas and see what lands. Arghhhhhhhhhhh. Plain speaking, where are you? (rant over for now!)

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