A Day o' Spume

The wind fairly got Scapa Flow up into a froth this morning.  Anyone in Bergen finding my kite can post it back to me, without stamps of course.

During the maelstrom that was my Blip Birthday party someone asked for a recipe.  Although we are on the eve of celebrating ‘The Chieftain....etc’ I have attached, for you delight, CMC’s Clootie Dumpling recipe.  Enjoy.

Tak a half a dozin knevfills o’ selfraiseen’ floor, a guppon o’ currants, half a poke o’ raiseens and a peedie poke o’ caster shuggar.

Coup the whole lot in the baseen but don’t forget tae coup oot the tattie peeleens and the toe nail clippeens first  and gae it a queeek swill under the tap in the interest of hygiene fur ye canna be too careful nooadays.

Then coup hid oot ontae a good strong bit o’ cloot that’s been covered in floor (an owld pair of long draars work a treat).  Tie hid up wi’ a piece ‘o toaw but no’ too tight or hid might swell and burst and hid’s warse than skitter tae scrape aff the walls.

Bung the whole hing in a pot o’ boilan watter for three an’ a half oors, coup hid oot ontae a plate , peel aff the cloot and ye’ve a dish that Egg-on-Ronnie wid be prood o’.  If hid’s broon hid’s cooked and if hid’s black hid’s buggered .

An added bonus is a clean pair o’ draars bit the elastic nivvir works the same efter and hid’s job te keep them up.

NB: We are not truly sure of the origin of this recipe but hid’s got the DNA of Harvey Johnston all ower hid.

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