Sit With Me...

This minimalism challenge of Markus' is obviously getting under my skin...

Spent part of today in the flat, totally clearing our things out of the "blue room", as the Padre calls it. He's asked if a priest, coming with 50 Uni students from Évora, can stay in it from next weekend; he's already got two others staying with him. More than happy. The first of the novenas last night in the main church was amazing. Packed. Masses of flowers, white and pale yellow, banks of lights, brass band for the entrance, gold embroidered robes on the priest and Our Lady of Lights, singing, ceremonies...

In the caravan now, and too cold and dark... and lazy to go to the second one tonight. Went to Reguengos to buy a car battery for the caravan, which Mike has charged up, so hopefully lights and so on will work even if the solar power runs out. Warmest I've been all day.

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