Decided to get to the shops for 8am before my dog walk, and I did, but on arrival could not believe it, I had left my purse at home. Grrrrr. Back home and got the purse, then after that I went a five mile walk on the canal, and the whole canal was frozen. On my way back I heard a loud noise and down the hill was  a poor old (probably the same age as me) lol. who had slipped on the ice and fallen, so I had to tie the dogs up and get this woman on her feet, luckily she was not hurt. What a day!
Spent the afternoon at the care home and am just back. Got a turkey drumstick in the oven, so the house smells like Christmas, sprouts and mash, wine, and raspberries and ice cream. I am off now for a seat.
Thank you for visiting my journal.

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