The Jenneting

By Nettinoo

Old Holborn

Staple Inn by Chancery Lane tube station dates back to Tudor times and survived the Great Fire and the Blitz.  Despite that claim to fame, it will be forever synonymous with a brand of rolling tobacco.  As an ex, and a bit preachily anti, smoker,  I'm finding it quite extraordinary that I'm getting cravings.  Stress, no doubt.  

The day started very badly at 2.45am when I was woken by a shout and found my Mum had fallen on her bedroom floor in an agitated state trying to answer (an imagined) ring on the doorbell.  She is badly bruised but it could have been so much worse.  A home visit from the GP in the afternoon was a great relief. She thinks low blood pressure and a UTI could be an issue so we will wait and see how the change in meds will affect things.   Less encouraging was the prognosis that her acute confusion could get better and it could get worse.

The bro was here a bit earlier in the afternoon so I went for a walk round Holborn, Old Bailey and Fleet Street trying to clear my thumping headache.  He stayed for a while in the evening so we chatted to Mum in her bedroom while (force) feeding her some nutrition and meds.  She was reasonably lucid and although she didn't always remember why she had fallen, I think she understands that she doesn't have to worry about answering the doorbell at any time of day or night.

When I came back to blipfoto a few months ago, the idea was that it would rekindle my photography hobby and get me to start using my camera again while out and about in my home environment in beautiful Edinburgh.  I never imagined that it was going to be a catalogue of woe attached to a hastily taken central London street shot.  However, I am going to try and keep it going as a discipline and a kind of therapy, even though I know some of the shots I post might be pretty darn average to say the least.   I so appreciate all the comments over the past weeks.  Even though I don't know you personally I feel enormously touched by your support.

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