
By europhoric

From Tunnock's With Love

Look what came today! After a politely-worded letter and the promise of new fans in a small French town, Tunnock's kindly agreed to send me "a few boxes" of their famous teacakes for free... which turned out to be sixteen boxes, giving me a grand total of one hundred and sixty little domes of marshmallowy goodness to distribute among the staff and pupils of l'École Émile Zola. Health and safety/halal/kosher/vegetarianism being what it is, I can't actually give the sweets out until the parents have returned a permission slip, so I'm saving them for my planned Halloween celebrations next week.

Today the classes got to watch "Mr Bean at the Hairdresser," which I downloaded after much pestering. In one scene, Bean picks out his preferred new style from a range of celebrity photos, one of which depicted a young(er) Prince Charles. Without fail, at least one child in each class cried out "Sarkozy!" at the sight of our first-in-line. Seriously, children? Aside from both being human males with a penchant for equestrian-faced dalliances, I see no resemblance.

In other news, Equestrian-Faced Dalliances will be the title for my upcoming electro/synth EP. Watch this space.

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