Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Feeling rich after the huge discount on my camera I invested in a second lens which arrived first thing this morning, who says the Post Office dont give value for money! I'll tell you who are a rip off, apart from Smiths ( no wonder they made xxxx millions in profit the amount they charge for Mars Bars), Jessops, that caven of delights found on our high streets where men have taken refuge from the endless round of dress. & shoe shops that the fairer sex have been drawn towards since time immemorial, yes Jessops, rows of shiny new toys that big boys just love, displayed to tempt your wallet out from the snug confines of your chinos, but beware, all that lovely tech comes at a price, £169. 95 they wanted for my little pancake lens, a tidy sum by anyone's imagination, but I held firm and with the help of our saviour eBay managed to get the self same lense for £79.00, I did phone Jessops to ask what their price match policy was but was fobbed off with'only on a wet Wednesday in a leap year' or something like that. Anyway I'm rambling, this fine young troubadour allowed me a snap with my new prime 20mm pancake for little more than a pound in his tin and a pat for the dog, something's are still good value, shame I couldn't get muttley to stay still for two seconds whilst I focused but that's kids & animals for you.

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