Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

You can't see anything!!!

Today was going to be a picture of my friend Corinne, but she looked so friggin' blurry that I am afraid you are stuck with a picture of me with my beeeeeeeewbs out.

Breastfeeding is important to me. I didn't know it would be and I didn't know how hard it would be. I am currently fighting with the nipple shields to be able to breast feed without them. Wee Matt has to learn what the heck to do all over again though and he is NOT happy about it.

Hum de hum...well....I am stubborn. He is stubborn. It's a battle of wills, but, little boy....I am older, and much more stubborn than you. I will WIN!

I also find it amusing that a few male members of my family are awkward with me breast feeding. You can see nothing at all I am confused. Is it just the thought? I am feeding my baby, that is all! Shame they have no choice but to get used to it :)

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