out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

Today was my last official day at work. There is clearing up to do on Monday, but the shop will be closed, so today was my last day dealing with customers.
I have been touched by people's reactions.
It is easy to get annoyed and irritated. People can be abrupt and rude, they can be awkward and unpleasant. They can forget to say please or thank you, they can question your knowledge (and your spelling!) they can be difficult, demanding and ungrateful.
However, today, people have been full of kind words about us and the service we have provided over the years. I didn't realise how highly we were thought of and what a difference we have made to some people's lives, even though we only sold books.
People have given us cards, written us notes, presented us with chocolates, wine and even a beautiful hand painted picture of the shop.
My picture is of the beautiful and thoughtful bracelet that my boss and his wife gave me to say thank you. I feel uplifted by the good wishes of all the people I have spoken to today and I am hugely grateful to have spent 8 years doing a job that I loved, but it is time to move on now.
I read a quote recently "jump and your life will appear".....let's hope it's true!

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