
By Sparky

Puke and vomit

Poor cari had a fever pukey-virus thingy last night. She puked from 530 till 1030, every 1/2 hour, or a few minutes after eating or drinking anything, including icecubes. She was shaking, aching and groaning in pain. It was horrible. She slept in the spare room so I could keep an eye on her on the night. So I did, every 2 hours or so. She was ok.
She had a temperature this morning, has slept most of the day, but has stopped puking.
She thinks she is going to bake cakes for my party on Friday! Germ bun anyone?
Second episode of puking came from Millie. She touched one of the electric fences around the horse field whilst on our walk, I swear she thinks I hit her! I was trying to get her back under the fence and into the lead, when het ear touched the fence. She bark/growled and ran off. Took ages to get her back, and she was cowering.
As we got near home, she threw up, her legs buckled under her and she looked dreadful.
One of my 'caring' neighbours said 'thats right love, just leave that mess there' I was hold Millie up on her feet at that point! Heartless bastsrd.

Happy Wednesday y'all.

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