true confessions...

...regarding this photo

i wasn't planning on using it -

even taking it - for that matter... simply sort of happened... i had my blip all planned - but as we know - "the best laid plans..." or something like that, right? then i ended up fiddling with my camera - the settings, buttons - controls... wondering why i haven't tried this and that after having had it all this time already - more fiddling... and who shows up? uh-huh...

meow - meow... you talking 'bout me?

yes i am - matter of fact... how you changed the course of events for today...

meep... wasn't my fault - i was only sitting pretty... diva-like... you were the one snapping away at my little face...

yup - and look what happened... you drew me in - again... with your captivating eyes, gracie - and i was intrigued with that new setting - i believe it worked out well - the combination is too much to pass up today...

meow - meow... then don't - i don't mind being posted again... do you think they tire of seeing me? do they turn away from such diva perfection...

oh, princess... you're growing a big head - stop it already... such talk will surely have them wondering what has happened to your sweetness - or they will be laughing at you because you're so outrageously silly... and then they'll know what i see in you - all the time - what makes for...


happy day.....

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