
I have been buzzing non-stop since school started back on Monday - the first wee or so of each term is always frantic. This one more so than most because we only have our seniors for a few weeks before their final exams. This is the time they start to panic and stress about the work they should have been producing all year. It means a lot of extra marking, a lot of pushing and cajoling and a lot of 'motivational' chats.

It also means that Kiwilizzie and I between us now have only 3 weeks to plan and pull off our formal prize-giving. It always seems ages away and we do little about it until now - then WE begin to panic too.

Anyway, I took a few minutes out of my morning to duck outside to the hebes and catch some bees - they weren't buzzing quite as frantically as I am but they were still moving fast enough to make focusing a challenge.

This is the best I got - and I won't tell you how many I threw directly into my virtual rubbish tin.

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