Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Felt like "Aug-otober"

The thermometer topped at 100 degrees this afternoon. We're having August heat in mid-October; this is crazy. This day's finale, though, was worth pausing for and just being still for the quick moments of the departure. If I don't pause, it's gone and I've missed the whole lovely scene.

I have graded student papers most of the day and I think it took me longer than usual because I'm just not feeling tip-top. I've got a nagging headache. I also spent 60 minutes in an online webinar for faculty. I don't think that was a waste of time, but it will be if I don't soon find time to practice some of what what taught.

Today begins "birthday month" here at Funville. Just my favorite season of the year. So this is the month of cake and candles and a calendar filled with fun.

It's LATE now and I've got to get to bed. I have two classes to teach in the morning and they usually go so much better if I've had some sleep. ;-)

Good night from a VERY hot Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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