The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

a day of joys and frustrations

Firstly and most importantly, today Alan came and unblocked the pipe to the soakaway and I can now use my kitchen sink again. Joy!

I missed dancing and an afternoon's work waiting in for a man to phone about an oil delivery. He didn't phone or turn up with the oil. Frustration!

Jason called round and fixed my ailing laptop. I was very happy about that. Because it's old, (like the car), and as soon as something goes wrong I think the worst. 

My enforced tidying time happily led to the re-discovery of these excellent gloves.
Once you get over the fact that they are in some way a bit creepy and half alive, they are fantastic for clearing weed from ponds. They are quite heavy and large, so the first time I put them on, they just slipped right off again. However, with another pair of gardening gloves inside they work perfectly - dry AND warm hands!
J and I had several happy pond-weed-clearing sessions last summer. 

Unfortunately, in the end the weed won. She has decided to get rid of the pond and this summer we will make a new marshy/wetland area. 

Still I'm sure there will be other jobs requiring the creepy gloves before long.

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