Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

A little less conversation...

...a little more...listening.

The best Monday. Fabulous launch of the Firestarter Festival at Kelvingrove Art Gallery in Glasgow, with the theme of Year of Young People. But rather than sit in rows hearing from the (awesome) speakers, we were given headphones to listen to them, silent disco style, and encouraged to wander round the exhibits as we did so. It was just brilliant - a format that shook things up, tapped into your creative brain and let you “listen” in a different way. Loved it.

Then an afternoon with an incredibly inspiring group of young people, sharing their hopes for the Year of Young People and how they think leaders in Scotland can help make them a reality. So thoughtful, powerful and insightful - they said so much that has left me thinking all evening.

All shook up indeed...

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