MM Technology

Technology? Yes, this old lock on a iron gate is a part of the evolution of locks starting back thousands of years ago.
 Lock technology has a fascinating history and an obvious impact on our daily lives. Evidence has shown that the first lock mechanism was used over 4,000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians.  As a predecessor to the tumbler lock, Egyptians used a combination of wooden bolts and pegs to secure their doors. However, societies have used locks that were even less complex, ropes and knots. 
Once the development of locks was underway, they improved quickly and diversely. In 1778, Robert Barron patented the first double acting tumbler lock. 
Locks can come in all shapes, sizes and designs. They can be as simple as the lock on a gym locker, or as complex as a lock on a bank vault. Locks can even be electronic. Numbers punched in on an alarm keypad, cards swiped to get into a building, even passwords set on a cellphone are all ways electronics now play a part in the lock’s development. 

Okay, so I copied those paragraphs off the Internet........but it is fascinating to think about how "locking" has changed and stayed the same over the years. It made me think differently about "unlocking" my computer or how someone can "unlock" my information without me knowing it. Hmmmmm.... I remember when I was young, we never worrying about locking anything..... except perhaps our house at night when we went to sleep. We never locked cars, tractors, garages, sheds or our personal information! Now everything must be locked? 

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