Mike and My Handle

Here's Mike, my assistant coach, holding a simple door handle. There's a story behind this. I have asked since I have been coaching here, this my fifth season, for a handle for our team room door. Never once has anyone followed through on my simple request. Yesterday, I went to Lowe's and bought this handle, came back to the high school, and installed it. Yay!! A handle!

Tonight, after his JV game, Mike found the team room locked. Try as he might, he could not get it open. In a fit of, what, rage? (his team lost a close game to Harrisburg), he yanked the damn handle out of the door. Five years I have asked for a handle, I finally install one myself, and it lasts one day. I couldn't be mad at Mike, but you have to be kidding me! After he yanked it out of the door, he sheepishly turned to me and said, "Sorry, Pops."

You can't make this stuff up.

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