Full House

I was in the One Day Scratch Event 2018 which is an annual amateur orchestra and choirs event. It’s been held at the Colston Hall in Bristol for the last ten years all on behalf of Cancer U.K.

I am a bass and reasonable tall and as such it is usually my lot to be falling off the left edge and back of the stage but....at this event and by accident I was dead centre and so I had to visible sing!

I went with a couple of people from my choir. We arrive at 8:45 am and practised songs we have never performed before at 4:00 pm to a full house ( now that I’ve cropped the picture) and , I think , it sounded pretty good.

Programme of 15 numbers ranged from Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus to Gloria... not Van Morrison ... Vivaldi.

It was great!! For me anyway.

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