
What a beauty - roughly translated as little well of the church of grace.  An adventure was had getting to it for it was on Eddie's land. He has the most amazing farm cum activity centre for children and we spent a good hour and a half having a private tour of the farm ( there were sit on mini diggers available which the lads wanted to try), meeting the animals (oddly including a rather fed up looking camel) and seeing the little house where he was born and reared. The chat was mighty then off we went through miles of forestry to end up high at this still revered but very remote little well. Dedicated to St Columcille who apparently landed (?) on a nearby tree, flattened it and caused the well to appear. Lovely fresh water, good for backaches. Note the cups. And the teeny statue of the BVM on the old post.

By the way, I know at least one other blipper has remembered (you know who you are) that it's almost International Holy Well Month - in true Irish fashion this will go on for the year, so should you come across a holy well and feel inclined to blip it please tag IHW18

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