Northern Exposure

By Northern

Not quite

I like this time of year. The sudden realisation that the days are that wee bit longer than they were a few weeks ago. The brave bulbs of spring are breaking through the soil and the unseen promise of new growth is in the gently swelling buds on the bushes.

It's by no means Spring but you can feel it coming.

Too early really for this but I like it and...well, it's Burn's night!

The Winter It Is Past
Robert Burns

The winter it is past, and the summer comes at last
And the small birds, they sing on ev'ry tree;
Now ev'ry thing is glad, while I am very sad,
Since my true love is parted from me.

The rose upon the breer, by the waters running clear,
May have charms for the linnet or the bee;
Their little loves are blest, and their little hearts at rest,
But my true love is parted from me.


I'm officialy an eedjit! I have just realised I am a day ahead of myself and tomorrow is Robbie's birthday. I only realised when I was asked were we having haggis two nights in a row, after dinner this evening. Ach well, there is a wee drap left so....

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