Tiny Tuesday : : Light and Dark

A hawk killed a bird the other day and took it up on the roof. There were feathers everywhere but no other sign of the bird. I have been picking the  delicate, downy feathers out of the bushes for days. Wet, they lodge themselves into all sorts of crevices where they cling with amazing tenacity, but when dried by the sun, the slightest breeze causes them to drift and flutter. Our window cleaner, Moises, calls the marks they leave when they fly into the windows 'angel wings'. I've put my own version of angel wings in extras.

A brighter image revealed itself on our walk this morning...a large clump of snowdrop-like flowers reaching toward the light. I don't think it was a snowdrop as it had too many petals, but I was charmed by the little green dot gracing each one...dots that didn't reveal themselves until I bent down to take this picture....

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