Seeking sap

There were two Red-breasted Sapsuckers in the Honey Locust tree today. I've blipped these guys before; they peck "wells", then keep revisiting them for the sap, and the insects the sap attracts.
We had an incident in our town today: A local bank was robbed by a man who jumped over the counter brandishing a knife, then escaped with an undisclosed sum of money. There were police everywhere! He has done a similar robbery four times previously in and around Portland. The police have dubbed him "Froggy Robber". Since he escaped, and this happened near the local schools, they were all in a lockdown mode. The after school pick up was a mess, each child had to be picked up personally by a parent, or an emergency contact. You had to show picture ID to prove your identity... 
No one was injured in the incident. And I do hope they catch the culprit.
And I really hope it will be clear enough in the early morning hours to see the blue, blood, super moon!

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