will it go round in...

By simonzebu

Holding up

We have 10 people coming to a themed supper party on Saturday. We have not sorted out the menu. C has plans for place mats that will take half a day in Photoshop. C has been complaining bitterly about the difficulty of flushing the downstairs loo and how the indoor surround to the new front door is still not done.
I took it upon myself to order a superior loo flush mechanism and a plumber/builder. Everything turned up on time today except that once the artisan had taken the loo out, he discovered that the fittings on the new flush thing were a different size. The timber yard did not have the correct wood for the surround but the old one is ripped off the wall.
So still 10 people coming, dusty brickwork around the front door, no downstairs loo, no food sorted, no place settings.
Good job I'm escaping to camera club this evening before C gets back..

Bench 369

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