A Beautiful Sight

Can't beat the sight of a rainbow first thing in the morning, actually I went out to snap the morning light over the building site at the rear of my house and suddenly there was a huge rainbow, beautiful.
Work continues on the 28 houses and yesterday saw consultation for a further 50 houses in fields at the front of my house, ultimately Jones Homes intend to build 300 in the Countryside that was once Staining. Seems no one wants them (only 4 of the 28 reserved so far) but with the endorsement of the Parish/Borough Councillor who also sits on the Planning Committee they carry on regardless.

Special thoughts for beautiful people; a dear friend was laid to rest today, taken far too young, God Bless you Ange -
and for those of you on Facebook, please pop over and check out 'Reuben's Retreat' a charity set up in honour of my cousin's little boy, taken very suddenly, what they are doing is amazing- and everytime I see a rainbow...I know I am seeing a 'Reubow'

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