Thoughts from today

1. In the interests of contributing to a blipping / not blipping debate, this has been on my mind a fair bit lately. Today would be a fine example of a day where I have literally nothing to say.

2. Here’s the baby lamb helping with making dinner. Her patience paid off, I dropped a bit of chicken

3. I would never be able to decide what a blip day would look like I don’t think, I am better of with not making any decisions. I do wonder why I write down half this crap though. The fact that I might try and achieve improved and interesting photography is long lost on me these days.

4. I have packed random crap for Norfolk tomorrow. Another thing my brain has struggled with all week - I normally go on a Monday or Tuesday. As a result I have been unsure of what day it is all week.

5. I remain convinced that the kitchen floor looks cleaner in black and white.

6. Reading back on this I sound like a deranged mentaller. Fact.

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