Mill and Doo

A new range of romantic literature? No, no,no.

My brain hurts as I have been staring at the computer trying to complete an assignment about Leadership and Management. I think maybe I should have been paying more attention in class. Although, I am a model student, you know.

I raised myself up and went on a blip walk. Mr H won't be pleased as there was a big bonfire, the 'ratpile' was alight. One of the nearby fields has a pile of stuff, that gets set alight from from time to time. People just seem to dump stuff on the edge of the farmers field and periodically it gets set on fire. A few years ago it got rat infested, my running speed increased round about then. Mr H doesn't like all the smoke.

The windmill always looks good in silhouette and the starlings like to rest in the broken sails. I have a soft spot for 'doos' as my grandad was a 'pigeon fancier' and he kept pigeons in his back garden.

I've also found out what's making holes in the back lawn. It's the return of Mr Green Woodpecker.

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