Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Turn around!

We got stuck in a traffic jam around Pontefract. Or, to be precise, we got stuck trying to get out of the jam on the motorway, and got lost a bit. Now when the two of us disagree on a route, we also have Mr Tom (Tom) putting in his ha'penny worth.

Me (navigating): Take the next right.
JR (driving): I think it's left.
Tom (interfering): Turn around!
Me: Don't listen to him. Listen to me.
JR: Where are we? I think we're lost.

After three hours we had gone a few centimetres on the map! So there wasn't much opportunity for taking photos today. When I saw the rainbow and the sheep on the hill, we screeched to a halt (safely). I didn't touch any nettles!

By this time we'd taken the A68, not the route Mr Tom(Tom) wished us to take, and he didn't give up trying to get us to "Turn Around!" It's quite fun to annoy him like that- when you're on familiar territory.

Home now. I forgot my dongle doo-dackie to upload (download?) photos to my iPad. I should have written a list. Mrs CBL was right. Again. The wifi was just in the lounge areas in the hotel, so not very convenient for commenting. I have back blipped the last few days, if you care to have a look. I will catch up on journals soon.

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