
We awoke to the thinnest covering of white, it melted away in the time it took the coffee to brew.

A productive physio session, I'm to now start gradually integrating tougher walks into my routine, bit by gentle bit. With that much welcomed advice bouncing round my head I knew I had to get out under that wonderful blue sky.....

By the time I left Kendal I could already see that the near gale force winds were massing clouds to the East, but West of me a tantalising patch of blue remained. Swinging by Orton to grab pooch the sky was filled with drama, but I already had a plan. I knew, just knew, that that patch of blue was hovering over a favouritest place.
Parking at the far end of Haweswater there were only a couple of cars and not a soul to be seen. Perfect. Pooch and I made our own ways across the beck, and with both of us paying attention to our rickettiness we made surprisingly good progress round to the Rigg. Paused here, knowing that for today this was far enough, we had this vista before us. Turning we were presented with the extra.
By the time we got back to Prince we'd covered a mere wonderful 2.5km and a measly magnificent 50m of height gain. But on one of the roughest tracks I know. Today that's more than enough.

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