Let There Be Light

By solli

Where's Mine?

Mimus polyglottos ~ Northern Mockingbird

It's a gorgeous bright day, a bit windy but I'm happy. I disassembled and cleaned three bird feeders this morning which is no small feat considering I'm backwards dyslexic thus highly prone to putting things back together upside down.

The tubes and perches are now spotless which seemed to appeal to this Northern Mockingbird as he flew in (a very rare thing) for a look. Or maybe he just knows that I have the REAL GOOD bird food sitting in the trunk of my mini just waiting to be dispersed to him and the Woodies and the Flickers and the jays.

My tiny Pine Siskins are still hanging about along with a quick little Titmouse whom I thought would be the blip for today. Maybe tomorrow if he's still here.

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