
By CoffeePotter


An island taxi, with a full load. There's even a toddler in the middle if you look hard enough.
My extra was taken by C, as it includes me (on the right) and I'm useless at selfies. This is Erin and me, just before she and her husband left this island to return to Istanbul, where Erin is a colleague of blipper MerrilHope (see yesterday's blip for story). It's a small world! I had just emerged from the water which is why I'm wearing my snorkelling t-shirt
C spotted a very strange creature in the sand at low tide yesterday. He returned to the same spot today and took some underwater video of it. On investigation we have found out that the strange animal we could see is the head of a Crocodile Snake Eel, protruding from the sand, with the rest of his body hidden below. 
I now have C's cough, which isn't too bad in the daytime, but keeps me awake all night. 

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