Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Double Double Delights

Egh! Getting out of bed in the morning is proving particularly hard at the moment. If it's not DM, it's R or P and if it's not one of then it's Aj that's getting me up in the night. Quite often it's just for a toilet duty, but it's still an interrupted night. I'm fortunate enough to at least have Friday and Saturday night's were Peach will take them (after I have woke him up because he doesn't hear them).
Last night it was DM, she could hear knocking in her bedroom and it was upsetting her.
R&P were invited to see their "boys" today. There were four sets of twins, four Mummy's and one baby Aj! I have no doubt that prior to our arrival, our friends house was tidy, organised and in good form, but believe you me, after 15 minutes of us all being there, there were toys and children everywhere!! We had a wonderful time and as you can see by the photo, the kiddies were really well behaved and ate their lunch beautifully.
R&P clearly had a wonderful time; by the time we were home, they were both fast asleep in the back of the car, catching flies with their open mouths!!
The girls amaze me every day with their new abilities, their level of understanding and their wonderful chit chat.
Ruby is obsessed at the moment with her jigsaw book. She will carefully dismantle the jigsaw and then happily rebuild it, all day!!
Penny, so wants to please. She loves to be a good girl and the praise that comes with it.
Aj is learning and changing all the time. Today for her has been spent rubbing the back of her head on her high-chair for some reason! It makes her smiles and giggle as she does it :o)
DM had her gymnastics today and Peach tells me that she did a fabulous roll over the bars today :o)
I'm hoping for a better nights's sleep, but as it stands Aj has been crying and upset every hour for the last four hours. So I bid you good night, whilst I have a chance to get some zzzzzzzz's while I can..........

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