
By Cari

Special Tribute

A year ago today I posted this photo. I had seen this cute little red bench many times when going to the park. On that day I noticed a little red plaque next to the bench. After reading the plaque, I first felt sadness for a life ended so young. Then I felt blessed to have come across this beautiful tribute. I do look at that bench with different eyes now.
Last week I got a blip notice for a new message on one of my photos, the little red bench from a year ago. It was the cousin of the little girl who this bench is a tribute. She was looking on the internet and came across my photo just days before what would have been the little girls 15th birthday. Her beautiful words stirred me to tears. I decided to go back today to visit that little red bench. Happy birthday Zevienna Burris. You are loved

Another amazing beautiful day today!
Great day at the store!
Life is Good

Happy Thursday

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