Wall Art - 133

Unknown to me this mural of a much loved cartoon appeared in late summer last year.  Can’t believe I missed it considering the owner of the shop is a friend.
The mural celebrated the work of cartoonist Bud Neil who created the Lobby Dosser cartoon character which ran in newspapers throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s.   Lobey Dosser was The Sheriff of Calton Creek and rode his 2 legged horse El Fidelo (Elfie).  Elfie was actually the only 2 legged horse in the whole of the wild west!   He relentlessly pursued the town villain called Rank Bajin.   (Perhaps my favourite character is ‘Fairy Nuff’ -  a fairy who wears ‘tacketty boots’ and speaks mostly in panto rhyme)  
I’m reading this back and thinking how on earth will it mean anything to anyone outside this area?!!
Anyway following the death of Bud Neil the cartoon took on cult status and actually has a worldwide following.   Artists from Dovehill Studios and Mighty Fine Theatre in Glasgow, secured funding from the council to create a mural above the shop.   And its not a stencil – it was created with brushes and paint.

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