Color and grace

These women make crossing the street look much more dignified than I do, I'm sure. But like the woman in blue taking her friend's arm, I have started grabbing onto Paul. We go as one, for good or ill.

Today Prashant talked about developing our "organ of scrutiny" in order to see ourselves and our motivations more clearly. He also said we had to have our own "internal mercantile." His analogy was, don't fill up your shopping cart at Pune Central Mall and then go pay at another store. Pay for what you take WHERE you take it. So, for yoga: if you work hard in Triangle pose, you should also find rest and recovery in Triangle pose. Don't kill yourself in Triangle then go do all your rest and recovery in Savasana. That's like stealing.

In my three-hour practice afterward I worked toward dropping back into backbends. Hard to give myself relaxation and recuperation in those few seconds of free fall, but I tried.

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