Judith's photos

By Judith

Dundas Aqueduct

I'm feeling a bit better, thank goodness, so I ventured out to try some creativity exercises from the online course I'm doing, A Year With My Camera.

I went over to the delightfully-named Brassknocker Basin and took a grand total of 60 photos, which covered 3 exercises:
1) 20 photos in 10 minutes (from the car park to the cafe, which actually took about 13 minutes);
2) 20 photos from 1 place (my chair in the cafe, photos taken on my phone);
and 3) 20 photos of one object (the Dundas Aqueduct).

This one shows the aqueduct as it carries the Kennet & Avon canal over the River Avon and the adjacent railway line, close to the city of Bath.

The 3rd exercise was made easier by choosing a rather large object - if I'd picked something smaller, like a chair, I'd have had to have been rather more creative!

I've put collages of my results from the 3 exercises on Instagram

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