
By katgirl


During lunch today, Bob started counting his little pieces of chicken and recounted after each bite to figure out how many were left. He quickly got the hang of it and could predict the number after each bite.

Later, as I made banana bread, I rewarded him with some dark chocolate m&m's. He started to do the same thing. So we played with different groupings of m&m's to do addition & subtraction (eg 2+2=4, 3-1 =2).

I marvel at this because math was always difficult for me. I highly doubt that at the age of three, I would have had any interest in experimenting with addition & subtraction, nevermind initiate it on my own. We have causally started working on phonics with Bob and we are starting to see progress.

I love his curiosity and enthusiasm. It is such fun to watch him learn.

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