
By zouclay

Phillie B

Phillip the macaw before his bath today. He was posing nicely but in desperate need of a bath. He got the bath and ended up spending the rest of the day sulking in his room. He hates baths and won't go near a basin or the shower so he needs help. I had just received a long scalp massage as he sat on my hat and ran thru his repertoire of noises, including chihuahua fight, the baby's noises and assorted television commercials.

Phil is a blue and gold macaw. He weighs almost two pounds and is over 18 inches along including his much loved tail. His wingspan is more than 3 feet. My son reared him from a captive bred chick many years ago. When my son quit Petsmart (his high school job) where Phil was trapped, er, raised, he cashed in his retirement and bought Phil and brought him home.

Today I give thanks for the day I was given, slow, easy days, Phil, and Helen my feline assistant who helps me type.

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