
By Beewriter

New Sculpture in Worsley

I know some of the nicest people that there are to know. Messages, texts, calls and emails..and of course all the lovely comments on here. I was so down hearted after yesterday, but all the support lifted me from my doom and gloom.

Lucy had said she was going to visit me in hospital today, but as I wasn't there she came to my house and we went for lunch at Bents. Her adorable daughter, Maple came too. She is just two and she could lift the spirits of anyone who was down hearted. 

Sue phoned me from work saying that they were short staffed and did I fancy helping out pleeeeeease. How could I leave them to I worked the evening session. Mind you, I got lost in Hindley trying to find them. I got there eventually and we had a lovely evening...a nice bit of overtime :))

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