
By FrankS

Dylan's Birthday

Today is Dylan's 5th birthday so, as I normally do, I took lots of photos of him and sent the link to his breeders in Derby where his mother still lives with his sisters (from a later litter).

I've been very good in not publishing too many pics of Dills on Bilpfoto but today is, of course, an exception.

Even though it's his birthday, we still have to take him to the vets this afternoon as his foot is still playing him up. We think it's his nail bothering him, but it's difficult to tell.

Late News: The vet said his nail has actually come off and it's the quick that is giving him grieve. She gave him another dose of antibiotics and a collar for him to wear for the next few days to stop him licking and chewing his foot. Dylan is slowly getting used to the collar, but actually hates it.

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