
By IainCloke

This City’s on Fire!

The setting sun lit up the city horizon while I was winding down after a busy day with a Mocha at Tesco. The snap through the supermarket window across the car park doesn’t do it justice.
Speaking of Justice: at Foodbank today we provided emergency food for a record 76 people, 35 of whom were children and they are in great need of justice. No, really ...
It was pretty busy! As well as the food....
- the pop up bakery made Bakewell Tart and Cupcakes for everyone;
- CAB was busy from start to finish;
- we made 2 applications for support from Acts 435;
- we made so much tea and coffee we ran out of milk;
- we supported several people in a distressed or anxious state with several issues;
- people received advice and information about budgeting and money management;
- Opentech supported several people with their digital skills;
- there has been laughter and tears, love and anger, energy and exhaustion;
- we discussed and began to write a plan for a Community Music Coordinator;
- I have crawled on the floor with a 4 year old, hugged a dear friend in distress and listened and smiled with at least 10 new acquaintances;
- TimeBuilders conducted interviews with people for their new project;
- a person from Church Action On Poverty conducted listening for more campaigning through Voices from the Margin.

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