Tooth Fairy

A quiet day and surprising how bits and pieces ran away with the morning.

Thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.  Some of my morning was spent setting up my various bits I needed for my picture.  KG helped  me to hold the fairy steady (and he made the fairy for me). (more use of discarded badminton shuttles!!)  My blip today is a Tooth Fairy.  This idea came when I was frantically hunting around the other day for something to blip.  I came across this petrified shark's tooth.  It is quite heavy and solid.  So the shark's tooth went back until today.  It was placed on the table so that the Tooth Fairy could find it easily.  She found it OK but after much scratching of her head and muttering I heard her say "Hmm will need grappling irons for this one".  Well the tooth has gone but no payment has been left - very disappointing  I would have thought it would be worth quite a bit.  I shall have to ask my eldest granddaughter what the going rate for teeth is these days.  When I was young (too many moons ago) it was a shilling (10p) 

KG is now busily watching the rugby and looking forward to the England Wales match later
Hope you all have a good weekend and all rugby fans I hope your team wins.

Another wet grey day

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