
By Kiteseeker

Stock Ghyll Waterfalls Ambleside

Thank you so much for the fantastic response to Friday’s entry. So pleased to see I am on the first page of popular.

Today we had a difficult decision whether to compete in an event or have a more gentle end to the weekend. The deciding factor was the car parking arrangements. Only full cars of at least 4 people could enter the car parking area. Usually after a run we can get changed eat and then head for home. With others in the car there would be a wait for everyone to finish. The courses were longer than usual and there was a section of fields linking two areas. The forecast identified a front coming in by lunchtime. We have a lot of events coming up so missing one

With this in mind we opted for a trip to the falls in Ambleside, a coffee and to look for a new fleece for R. We were home mid afternoon and the washer on. R has just checked the results and times did seem to be on the long side!

I have back blipped yesterday’s training area.

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