Steaming on a Sunday night ....

Winter is back again. A fair bit of snow during the night just to cheer me up .
A day spent feeding cattle and various other jobs.
The slurry is nearly up to the bottom of the slats in one pen of bullocks so tried to take some out with the tanker but it is too thick to suck out. Looks like this week will be spent adding water and mixing before it can be pumped out. Great fun if the forecast for snow and frost is right- frozen pumps , pipes, hoses and couplings.
My mechanic pal sent me a video of his wee steam traction engine whizzing round the kitchen floor. Not to be out done I unearthed my one from the office , once I remembered which pile of paper it was behind ! Sad to say it has had a hard life and don't know if I would be brave enough to fire up its boiler these days....

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