Look both ways and think for yourself.

When I was 6-years old I was gardening in our front yard with my mom and  brother when the Good Humor ice cream truck jingled down our street.
My brother and I ran across the street to the back of the truck and bought ice cream bars. I walked around the far side of the truck to the front and started to cross back.  I could not see over the hood.

My mother was screaming at me.  I thought she was saying, "Come Here."  It was, "Stay there".  As I  ran out to her I was run down by a 57 Plymouth just like this.  My mom picked me up off the asphalt in her arms and the three of us rushed off to the hospital in the Plymouth.  I just had a broken leg in two spots and a broken collar bone.  I spent a long Summer in a wheelchair.  A hard lesson learned.

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