Tiny Tuesday 142: TinyTragedy at the AOG

It was 'SmoothSailing' at the Women's SnowBoarding Competition until Tragedy struck! One of the snowboards got away from a contestant and sailed through the air, striking Marianne Minion and knocking her flat! Marianne was working out with some FreeWeights at the time of the accident and never saw the board coming. Her teammate, although totally horrified, stayed by her side until paramedics arrived (kudos to her!), which they did in very short order. Later reports assured all that Marianne survived the incident, was awake and 'talking' in that really weird Minion Language, but will probably never SnowBoard again! NeverEver! This shot was taken by a AOG sanctioned Drone! 
I'm Wilda Wren, your thankful reporter...on my way to check in on Marianne. 

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