
By atoll

Champion the Wonder Horse

Corporation Tax return preparation underway all weekend for me and MrsB. For the easy bit of just sorting out receipts and statements today at least, this is allowed (in our house anyway) in front of the TV to soften the boredom and death from a thousand paper cuts.

But what a good day for this accounting marathon from hell: Football Focus; Ascot Champions Stakes; Final Score; Star Wars III; Strictly; X-Factor and Match of the Day. Haha, I will end the day with square eyes, but should have broken the back of the Excel spreadsheet to pass on to my accountant.

So here we are midway through that labour of loathe, as the uniquely wonderful Frankel wins his 14th victory on the trot, in the Group 1 Champions Stakes at Ascot. He has ended his career today unbeaten.

Not sure what my dear old racing-mad dad would have thought of me betting on French challenger Cirrus Des Aigles though, but at ridiculous odds-on prices you would have had to bet £15 on the favourite just to win £3 back. In the end, Frankel won it easily and on heavy ground. I lost my stake and so not quite my fathers son yet, but in this case at least I was so happy to see Frankel come out on top.

Especially so, as it was very moving to see winning trainer Sir Henry Cecil, so frail in the winners enclosure after undergoing his chemotherapy (his voice was very weak and croaky, though I spotted him catching a sly drag of his cigarette earlier).

What a way for him to see the end of Frankel's career though. "There has never been better" he said, and consensus and stats agrees that this is the greatest racing horse that has ever lived. That is some accolade.

The stud farm beckons no doubt for old Frankel. Not a bad way to retire and be put out to grass.

Looking at the state of my accounts so far, the same won't be applying to me any time soon!

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